Welcome to UCD Mall

Welcome to the Aggie Surplus Online Ordering Platform!  This is the easiest, best, and only way to purchase from Aggie Surplus.  Simply use your credit card to purchase the desired item(s) from our online catalog, and then contact us at aggiesurplus@ucdavis.edu to schedule a pick-up time.  It’s as simple as that!

UC Davis employees can use a Procurement Card to make purchases from Aggie Surplus for departmental business purposes.

Offers for items that have been on inventory for longer than 14 calendar days can be made by emailing aggiesurplus@ucdavis.edu.  In addition to the offer amount, be sure to include the tag number of the item.

PLEASE NOTE: When the store is open (on the first Thursday and Friday of each month from 9a-1p) purchases can only be made within the store location itself. If you make a purchase during this time and you are not in the store, your purchase may be subject to cancellation.